Saturday, March 13, 2010

Obama's HealthCare TakeOver

Obama and the demonrats are intent on shoving their health insurance takeover down the throats of the American people. Now, I can assure you this is not about health care at all. They talk about giving health care to every child. All children can receive health care any time they need. Apparently they are not concerned with the health and well being of the child that is not yet born. They will probably pass this even with language that would allow for abortions. The also want to tax those of us who they have decided have a so called, "Cadillac Plan." Most people who receive health care as a benefit do so because they may be paid less and this is what they receive,or because of years of long hard work for their employer. I have and idea. Let's tax all forms of government benefits. Living in the White House is a benefit. Tax the president. How about Pukelowsi flying in jets and dining at our expense. Then ,they all have limos too. Let's tax them for limos or gov. paid vehicles. We should tax them for having bodyguards too. Any benefit they receive through the course of their employment should be taxed. It's time for them to pay up. NOW!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Congress Passes Cap and Trade

Once again Nancy Pewlosi has pussy whipped congress into passing one of her European style socialist bills. I have renamed it the, "Crap and Raid " bill. You idiots. I hope you who voted for demoncats lose everything you have!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Liberal Jerks

This is for all the liberal jerks out there. One in particular by the name of GOOGLE. I know why I can't find my blog when I search for it. You either aren't publishing it to the web or you are hiding it. I have heard that you are not publishing any blogs with the title anti obama. You haven't won ,nor will you. You can't stop us from talking in person or on the phone or sending e-mail or mail clear across the country. I am putting a pox on google. I think that by the end of the year, you will find google has tanked!!! You liberal jerks. You're in love with obama. How sick is that? 11-11

Friday, January 23, 2009

Tim Geitner

Maybe I did or I didn't spell the name correctly. I don't give a rats behind. I do care that the senate finance committee voted 18 to 5 to proceed with Geitners confirmation. Being from Texas I want to personally say thank you for nothing Sen. John Cornyn. You should be ashamed of yourself for voting yes on the Geitner confirmation. People need to understand that Geitner received a refund from the IMF for the taxes he was supposed to have paid. He neither paid the taxes nor did he return the money refunded to him. This is the same as stealing the money. I guess this is some of the tax breaks that Obama is talking about. You know, the one where he says he is going to cut taxes for 95 % of the population. Not nearly that many people pay taxes. However, because the Demoncats bend over and show us their behinds the Republicans will stoop down to kiss those same behinds and the taxpayer gets screwed again!!! Cornyn, you will not be forgotten for the error of your ways!!! Cornyn, you're an example of why the Republicans are losing elections.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

On Israeli Hamas War;Caroline Schlossberg ; Al Frankenstein;Blagojevich and Madoff

So why should Israel be told to cease fire? I think they should put and end to Hamas once and for all. Israel gives up the Gaza strip, yet, Hamas and the Palestinian people are never thankful. The little devil imps keep firing off rockets at Israel. It's about time Israel stood up for itself. Then there's Caroline Schlossberg who still has not learned her married name. She wants to be Kennedy. I guess her husband is Mrs. Kennedy? The only thing she has is Kennedy blood. That doesn't qualify someone to serve in the senate the last time I checked the constitution. Caroline is not running for the senate seat either as some say. Running is, as in a race. She is trying to get appointed, however, she thinks she is anointed.The spell check suggestions for Schlossberg is sleazebag or socialistic!! Scary!! Next we have good old Al Frankenstein. He has practically stolen the senate seat of Minn. and is still trying to do so as I write this. A pox on him . Maybe a pox on Minn. people who are not smart enough to know the difference between a qualified candidate and a fat ugly comedian who is totally not funny. Who can forget Blagojevich and his trying to sell the IL senate seat for the Demoncats. Oh, yeah, the demoncats will give plenty of lip service about how they won't seat the pick. They still will not let the people of IL have an open election to decide the seat. What can one expect coming from the armpit of society like Chicago. Funniest thing when I hit the spell check button it highlighted Blagojevich . Click on the name and up comes no suggestions! I'll say!! The Madoff thing is a little bit ha ha. I'm sorry for some, yet, some got what they deserved. Some of those screwed over by him are liberal demoncats. So, I ask, why would you even trust someone with a name pronounced made-off? He made- off with the money alright! Now, if we could just get the Palestinian people to go take a Franken and wipe their Blagojevich, maybe we could all sing Sweet Caroline.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How Obama Got?

Look up this web site. You might find it interesting. The name of it is, how Obama got . They asked questions of people and most people were uninformed and didn't know much of anything about Obama.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

India Attacks

The attacks in India call for a bold response. India needs to act in a timely manner to rid the world of these "terror cells" once and for all. India, unlike the U.S. should give no hint of the timing of such retaliation, simply get it done. the U.S. and Israel have been whipped onto submission and pacifism by the liberals in the media, government,and elsewhere and by the money hungry lawyers and are no longer capable of protecting the lives of the innocent. The U.S. lost it's superpower status long ago when the voters ushered in Bill Clinton. the world and terrorist see us as weak. Appeasement is getting the civilized world nowhere except a graveyard. The politicians in the U.S. should shut up already and let India get it done. India please don't become weak! Do your thing India, do it for the freedom loving people all over the world. If the biggest democracy in the world is not capable of doing this ,then go dig yourself a grave. India, please, make the world proud! We are waiting!