Friday, October 31, 2008
Can't Afford Snacks or Milk
The poor people in the infomercials say they can't afford snacks or milk and have to ration them out for the week. I wonder if they're some of the people Fox news interviewed in Starbucks across the country. Yup, can't afford milk or snacks but can afford Starbucks .LOL I don't think you're hurting to bad if you go to starbucks. When we get in a bind, we cut out the eating out, and the sodas , and the coffees. If you're really trying to save then I do feel sorry for you ,but Starbucks is not a right. Leave the ,buy milk or a few sn .
Homeless Can Vote?
Homeless can vote in some states, heck I guess any where they can find away to cheat. That is not to say all homeless people are like that. We know who most homeless people will vote for and the people ruling in favor of the homeless voters are usually democrats,. At least make the homeless show proof of citizenship and some kind of I.D. ,then it would be okay. Where we're from, TEXAS ,you actually have to show I.D. and PROOF of residency to even register. There needs to be a uniform way of registering and even voting , so it's fair in all states. I don't want my vote watered down by someone whom Acorn has registered. 1 vote per , not 1 republican and 10 democrat.
Don't Feel Sorry
I don't feel sympathy for people in some of these swing states; especially if they vote for B.O. If your business lays off even more workers or entirely shuts down don't go crying. You knew full well what most republicans have been saying, higher taxation = less profits and more job cuts. I don't understand how someone could think getting a tax refund let's say 5000.00 will make them wealthy or create a job. the do nothings think they will have everything because they think b.O. is a god. I heard a comment by a B.O. supporter living in Florida . The reporter asked her how she felt after the rally. She commented that she felt more wonderful than she had ever felt in her life. she commented that she would not have to worry about her car payment, buying gas for her car, food, health care, or her house payment. She actually said that B.O. would be able to take care of all of these things. She is going to be mighty disappointed when she doesn't receive a check in the mail each month for 6000.00.LMAO
Obama's Friend Ayers Dedicates Book to Sirhan Sirhan
Fox News, in case you didn't know has obtained a book written by William A.K.A." Bill "Ayers. The book was written in 1974 and dedicated to the one and only infamous Sirhan Sirhan. This is just more of why Obama has such bad judgement. How could Obama have dinner with a man, or announce his candidacy for the senate in the home of someone who dedicated their book to Sen.Robert Kennedy's assassin? Obama seems to have a lot of admiration for haters of America and haters of our leaders, including people who admire murder. Obama wants to be the leader of the free world all the while admiring anarchists. It's no wonder he can't get F.B.I. clearance. He can't be his own body guard. The Ayers guy wanted anarchy because he and his followers wanted the legalization of drugs and didn't want people convicted of drug crimes to be criminals. Ayers plan, if carried out, would have klled apx. 21 milllion people! They hated the constitution and wanted it changed. Obama has a book where he states he doesn 't like the constitution. They wanted your right to be armed done away with. It's okay though if they have body guards. Can you afford body guards? If Obama is elected, get ready to turn over all of your guns and ammo . That will be in the top 5 things Obama plans to do.
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