Tuesday, October 28, 2008
What America Wants
Thomas Jefferson said, "A government big enough to give you everything you want , is strong enough to take it all away." You want change. You want to live off of other peoples' hard earned money, you want free health care,.free college, free day care ,free housing ,free vehicles. Who is going to pay for these thing when the so called "rich "say, enough is enough, NO MORE! BE CAREFUL! YOU MAY, ONE DAY, GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT! BARRY should SCARE you!
CNN & MSNBC are the most gagging T.V. stations ever to be on the air. Rachel Maddow, Chriss Matthews, Oberman ,Candy Crowley, Campbell Brown, Malveaux, Blitzer, Anderson Cooper all remind me of those mean spirited little school kids I used to despise. The kids were mean and sneered and made fun of people, laugh, sneer ,laugh, sneer. I wished many times they would go away for ever.You people in the news sit there with your stupid little grins on your face ,not reporting any news at all unless it is about a murder or missing child. Your only concern seems to be about the cost of Palin's clothes. How is that supposed to be helpful to the nation? You refuse to tell the truth about Barrack. Has the Obama campaign threatened you ? Has the Obama campaign promised you something to keep quiet about certain things? What's wrong with you? A pox on all of you in the media and your families. Be sure to wear your depends on election day. You will need them either way. If they put talk radio , except for liberal radio out of business then we conservatives won't watch you at all on t.v.. You may lose your jobs, because I guarantee no one likes you.
Jews Self Destruct
The Jews voting for Obama remind me of the tapes in Mission Impossible. They self destruct!
Stupid Homeless People Get to Vote in Ohio.
A stupid stinking judge in Ohio now says a homeless person can list a park bench as a place of residence. What an idiotic thing to do. I wonder if this judge actually got his degree from a box of cracker jacks or bought it over the internet. They won't have to show any I.D. to vote. We know what party this judge belongs to. I believe a stupid state like Florida was responsible for giving the terrorists in 9-11 their license to fly a plane. The people in Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin ,Iowa ,Virgina, PA. ,Coloraado,and New Mexico among others are so bitter about things they would punish McCain and the rest of the country. Why should the rest of the country have to suffer? You all deserve whatever you get from the demoncat party.
Obama in Video With Palestinian Sympathiser
The L.A.Times has a video of Obama in 2003 with Rashid Khalidi and William A.K.A. Bill Ayers. Obama is seen congratulating and toasting Khalidi. He is a Palestinian sympathiser who hates Israel. He also babysat for Obama's children. How much closer can you get than that? I guess if the Jews don't care enough to vote for McCain then why should we help them or defend them if worst comes to worst. Let the suckers destroy themselves. That is what they have been known to do in the past. They self destruct. The Rusty Humpries radio show has a tape of some Palestinians that say they want Obama because (we need change). Since when did they get to decide. There is also a Palestinian who is now making so called "robo" calls. He is urging people to vote for Barrack. Since when did Palestinians get to decide? What butts! This has become a third world election all thanks to Nancy Pelosi , thank you Californicate; and Harry Reid ,thank you Nevadatutes; and Obama thank you Illinois and Orpha Winfrey. Swing states voting for Obama are going to be turning this nation on it's head. We will remember you. I hope your children and your childrens' children will greatly be punished by the (real) great one for doing this to America. A pox on you!
McCain Palin Effigy
In L.A. a man made a Palin effigy and hung it from his house with a noose. McCain is at the top of the house and is burning. Now, if this had been done to Barrack we would be having riots! This should be classified as a terroristic threat. In most places phone harassment is terroristic threat. This person should be punished. You can probably find it on the web if you search. Are you going to support McCain and the other republicans running for congress and senate or are you going to let these kinds of injustices continue to go unpunished. This goes way beyond freedom of speech. This is just a taste of things to come if Barrack is elected.
Your Rich!
Now, the Obama campaign says 100,000 is rich and you won't get a tax cut if you make 100,000 or more. First it was 250,000, now it's trickling down to you! the magic number for being rich is CHANGING!!!
Election Day 2008
Now, good old Barrack wants people to take the day off from their jobs and from school to help work in the election process. What! he actually is telling people to keep their kids out of school. If your child is not in school , then your district actually loses state money and costs you more in local school taxes. I thought people were hurting and needed money badly . Taking off work will cost them money unless they use sick days or vacation. If they use sick days is he encouraging them to lie? Why would voters need the day off anyway? Some states have already been voting for a month or at least a week or two. Do that many people still have a job? The law already says your employer has to give you time to vote, so unless someone plans to vote more than once I don't understand why one would need the entire day off. Barracks wrong about this too!
Obama Wrong for America !
Obama was wrong on Ayers, wrong on Rev. Wright, wrong on Rev Flager, wrong on Louis Farrakhan ,wrong on the troop surge in Iraq. What exactly has he been right about? Obama thinks we have 57 states, wrong again! Maybe if you count Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, France Sweden, Africa, etc.. Obama said in a speech in 2002 he didn't think the constitution guaranteed fair decisions based on race. How can he take the oath of office and swear to uphold the constitution if he thinks the constitution is wrong? He will ,along with Pelosi and Harry Reid change the constitution. I imagine that they will change it to ensure that even citizens of other countries have a right to vote in our elections. Heck, he'll probably even give a tax refund to citizens of other countries. Given that it took him 20 plus years to admit Wright was wrong and to say he condemned Ayers, will it take him the next 20 years to realize who Americas enemies are?
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