Sunday, November 4, 2007

Drivers Licenses for Illegals?

Why would anyone with half a brain want to allow illegals to obtain a drivers license? The governor of New York, Sen. Clinton, and numerous other people drinking a strange koolade, want illegals to obtain drivers licenses! Where will the illegals get the money to purchase insurance? Who will teach these illegals to drive correctly and follow our traffic laws? Anyone who has been to Mexico knows about driving over there,and that our insurance is no good in Mexico. If you drive across the border to Mexico you need to purchase separate insurance to protect you while you are there. How will illegals buy a vehicle?How will they get a loan? Will they buy a car financed by a bank and then default on the loan? Maybe the illegals will be stealing more of your vehicles. Maybe more of these illegals will be driving without insurance leaving you to file the claim on your insurance! This will only cause your rates to skyrocket even more than they already do. It could mean more cases of stolen S.S.#s. and other forms of identity.This is not to mention drug dealing and home invasions to come up with the money it takes to own a car. If you stand by and let this happen then you get what you deserve! I for one will work against drivers licenses for illegals.

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