Monday, April 14, 2008

Steppin In It!

Obama is now calling small town America, bitter,clinging to their guns and religion. At the beginning of his campaign he was telling people to calm down & watch what they said. He has now attacked our Freedom of speech, Freedom of Religion and the Right To Bear arms. Now he wants to say it differently while saying that you are stupid and don't understand what he said. I guess getting a chance to say something again and say it differently is Obama's idea of change. Now,now,now, G-- D--- America. you racist bunch of pigs. You just need to get jiggy with it. Surrender your guns, close your churches and SHUT-UP. Don't you understand, this is not your country . Move out of your homes, you racist you .Listen here, I meant change when I said it. Your Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost. You are finally getting what you deserve. Now I only hope China, Russia and North Korea won't take everything I say the wrong way. I'm not ready to be nuked just yet,I haven't finished destroying the constitution.

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