Monday, November 3, 2008

Living in Poverty

If the left win out in this election you can expect your quality of life to deteriorate unless your on the bottom of the totem pole. Your 401k's will be taxed. I believe this means no more pretax contributions. There goes anything you have left in the 402k. Could this be a plan to cause the baby boomers to have to work longer, so the government doesn't have to pay social security or not as much social security? What reason is there for anyone to start a business if your family will have to give away 50%or more to the government when you die? Why would anyone put any blood sweat or tears into a life of work at a business. Your family would no longer be able to keep a business in the family. Sounds like communism to me. You work all your life and then the government gets their share plus a share for all the other people they think it should go to. Then there will be a green tax. Then there will be a world poverty tax. I guess this is so we can help the people in third world countries who hate us. Next the government is talking about a wage security tax, one you would pay with each paycheck to "insure your salary if you change jobs and are paid less." Then the government wants union votes to no longer to be private, this would hurt you whichever side of the union your on. They are talking about forcing a worker to pay union dues even if they did not vote to join the union. So one can see the cities of this country falling into poverty and becoming like the slums of Chicago, or New York City,Detroit, Pittsburgh or any other city with neighborhoods like these. We know that the Hollyloon elites won't be affected because they hide their money in Swiss banks and so do a lot of the other ultra liberals. These creeps will take everything you have and your family will be left destitute. That is the plan, then you will be dependent on the government the rest of your life. The plan is to make you become submissive.

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