Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama Will Destroy Constitution

obama will destroy the constitution of the U.S. He wants to overturn 200+ executive orders of Pres. Bush .some of which are stem cell research, global Warming issues, abortions rights,etc. He and biden wold like to make most ammo. They want to take away your right to bear arms or your right, if you qualify, to conceal and carry. They want to end conservative talk radio. They equate it with pornography. What idiots. They want to tell you want temp. to set your home thermo athwat kind of light bulbs to use. They want to tell you what foods to eat,or not eat. I blame the same union states that were in the civil war. I have no respect for anyone who would vote fo a man who is capable of destroying what our soldiers are fighting and working for. When and who will speak up? I don't think we the people are going to. I guess eveyone is going to stand by and let this happen.

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