Friday, October 31, 2008

Can't Afford Snacks or Milk

The poor people in the infomercials say they can't afford snacks or milk and have to ration them out for the week. I wonder if they're some of the people Fox news interviewed in Starbucks across the country. Yup, can't afford milk or snacks but can afford Starbucks .LOL I don't think you're hurting to bad if you go to starbucks. When we get in a bind, we cut out the eating out, and the sodas , and the coffees. If you're really trying to save then I do feel sorry for you ,but Starbucks is not a right. Leave the ,buy milk or a few sn .

Homeless Can Vote?

Homeless can vote in some states, heck I guess any where they can find away to cheat. That is not to say all homeless people are like that. We know who most homeless people will vote for and the people ruling in favor of the homeless voters are usually democrats,. At least make the homeless show proof of citizenship and some kind of I.D. ,then it would be okay. Where we're from, TEXAS ,you actually have to show I.D. and PROOF of residency to even register. There needs to be a uniform way of registering and even voting , so it's fair in all states. I don't want my vote watered down by someone whom Acorn has registered. 1 vote per , not 1 republican and 10 democrat.

Don't Feel Sorry

I don't feel sympathy for people in some of these swing states; especially if they vote for B.O. If your business lays off even more workers or entirely shuts down don't go crying. You knew full well what most republicans have been saying, higher taxation = less profits and more job cuts. I don't understand how someone could think getting a tax refund let's say 5000.00 will make them wealthy or create a job. the do nothings think they will have everything because they think b.O. is a god. I heard a comment by a B.O. supporter living in Florida . The reporter asked her how she felt after the rally. She commented that she felt more wonderful than she had ever felt in her life. she commented that she would not have to worry about her car payment, buying gas for her car, food, health care, or her house payment. She actually said that B.O. would be able to take care of all of these things. She is going to be mighty disappointed when she doesn't receive a check in the mail each month for 6000.00.LMAO

Obama's Friend Ayers Dedicates Book to Sirhan Sirhan

Fox News, in case you didn't know has obtained a book written by William A.K.A." Bill "Ayers. The book was written in 1974 and dedicated to the one and only infamous Sirhan Sirhan. This is just more of why Obama has such bad judgement. How could Obama have dinner with a man, or announce his candidacy for the senate in the home of someone who dedicated their book to Sen.Robert Kennedy's assassin? Obama seems to have a lot of admiration for haters of America and haters of our leaders, including people who admire murder. Obama wants to be the leader of the free world all the while admiring anarchists. It's no wonder he can't get F.B.I. clearance. He can't be his own body guard. The Ayers guy wanted anarchy because he and his followers wanted the legalization of drugs and didn't want people convicted of drug crimes to be criminals. Ayers plan, if carried out, would have klled apx. 21 milllion people! They hated the constitution and wanted it changed. Obama has a book where he states he doesn 't like the constitution. They wanted your right to be armed done away with. It's okay though if they have body guards. Can you afford body guards? If Obama is elected, get ready to turn over all of your guns and ammo . That will be in the top 5 things Obama plans to do.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Can't Afford Snacks or Milk?

If Obama really cared about the family who couldn't afford snacks , he could do one thing that would make a difference now. Stop the 30 minute infomercials & save 3 million right away 3 days x3 million is 9 million. That would buy a lot of snacks & milk. That could buy a lot of groceries for a lot of families. The mother that couldn't afford snacks for her familiy had acrylic nails. How much do those cost? It may be that some families need to get their priorities straight. Why is he so angry about corporations making profits when the networks made 3 million in one night. Look at the contracts that Katie Courack and Diane Sawyer and a lot of others make. It's shameful! Let some of these wannabe journalists give their fair share now in charity money. This jerk has the gall to say he will give a tax cut to 90% of families, about 45 % of families don't pay taxes. that means only 45% will give a tax cut .That's before he lowered his definition of rich to 100,000. That could be a lot of families, especially if one wage earner earns 60,000 and one earns 40,000. Some of you will probably lose your jobs when your employer is taxed at a rate of 50-70%. How could a company make any profit. That is like a store supposedly makes a sale of 1,000.00 for a refrigerator, then the store has to give the government 500.00-700.00 The store only makes 300.00-500.00 , that is to buy the product, pay their workers, pay insurance ,utilities, rent and are supposed to have enough to pay the owner a profit and still have enough capital to operate on. He couldn't keep a gentleman's agreement to McCain not to take public financing and he expects you to trust him to fix your money woes. Remember ,he lied and that is worse than being wrong ,HE LIED!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama's Palestinian Friend Endorses Obama!

Now, there is a Palestinian that is making what they call "robo calls" and urging voters to vote for Obama. Why would a Palestinian have a stake in this election? Only you can stop this by letting your friends in on this information. Maybe an undecided will choose to vote for McCain . Maybe someone will change their minds. Remember there is also a video of Barrack toasting a Palestinian along with Bill Ayers. The democrats are trying to keep this tape from the media. Do you really want what goes on in Palestine happening here? Well, guess what? If Barrack is elected ,it's coming as sure as you're reading this. Send this piece of dog doo back to Illinois.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What America Wants

Thomas Jefferson said, "A government big enough to give you everything you want , is strong enough to take it all away." You want change. You want to live off of other peoples' hard earned money, you want free health care,.free college, free day care ,free housing ,free vehicles. Who is going to pay for these thing when the so called "rich "say, enough is enough, NO MORE! BE CAREFUL! YOU MAY, ONE DAY, GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT! BARRY should SCARE you!


CNN & MSNBC are the most gagging T.V. stations ever to be on the air. Rachel Maddow, Chriss Matthews, Oberman ,Candy Crowley, Campbell Brown, Malveaux, Blitzer, Anderson Cooper all remind me of those mean spirited little school kids I used to despise. The kids were mean and sneered and made fun of people, laugh, sneer ,laugh, sneer. I wished many times they would go away for ever.You people in the news sit there with your stupid little grins on your face ,not reporting any news at all unless it is about a murder or missing child. Your only concern seems to be about the cost of Palin's clothes. How is that supposed to be helpful to the nation? You refuse to tell the truth about Barrack. Has the Obama campaign threatened you ? Has the Obama campaign promised you something to keep quiet about certain things? What's wrong with you? A pox on all of you in the media and your families. Be sure to wear your depends on election day. You will need them either way. If they put talk radio , except for liberal radio out of business then we conservatives won't watch you at all on t.v.. You may lose your jobs, because I guarantee no one likes you.

Jews Self Destruct

The Jews voting for Obama remind me of the tapes in Mission Impossible. They self destruct!

Stupid Homeless People Get to Vote in Ohio.

A stupid stinking judge in Ohio now says a homeless person can list a park bench as a place of residence. What an idiotic thing to do. I wonder if this judge actually got his degree from a box of cracker jacks or bought it over the internet. They won't have to show any I.D. to vote. We know what party this judge belongs to. I believe a stupid state like Florida was responsible for giving the terrorists in 9-11 their license to fly a plane. The people in Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin ,Iowa ,Virgina, PA. ,Coloraado,and New Mexico among others are so bitter about things they would punish McCain and the rest of the country. Why should the rest of the country have to suffer? You all deserve whatever you get from the demoncat party.

Obama in Video With Palestinian Sympathiser

The L.A.Times has a video of Obama in 2003 with Rashid Khalidi and William A.K.A. Bill Ayers. Obama is seen congratulating and toasting Khalidi. He is a Palestinian sympathiser who hates Israel. He also babysat for Obama's children. How much closer can you get than that? I guess if the Jews don't care enough to vote for McCain then why should we help them or defend them if worst comes to worst. Let the suckers destroy themselves. That is what they have been known to do in the past. They self destruct. The Rusty Humpries radio show has a tape of some Palestinians that say they want Obama because (we need change). Since when did they get to decide. There is also a Palestinian who is now making so called "robo" calls. He is urging people to vote for Barrack. Since when did Palestinians get to decide? What butts! This has become a third world election all thanks to Nancy Pelosi , thank you Californicate; and Harry Reid ,thank you Nevadatutes; and Obama thank you Illinois and Orpha Winfrey. Swing states voting for Obama are going to be turning this nation on it's head. We will remember you. I hope your children and your childrens' children will greatly be punished by the (real) great one for doing this to America. A pox on you!

McCain Palin Effigy

In L.A. a man made a Palin effigy and hung it from his house with a noose. McCain is at the top of the house and is burning. Now, if this had been done to Barrack we would be having riots! This should be classified as a terroristic threat. In most places phone harassment is terroristic threat. This person should be punished. You can probably find it on the web if you search. Are you going to support McCain and the other republicans running for congress and senate or are you going to let these kinds of injustices continue to go unpunished. This goes way beyond freedom of speech. This is just a taste of things to come if Barrack is elected.

Your Rich!

Now, the Obama campaign says 100,000 is rich and you won't get a tax cut if you make 100,000 or more. First it was 250,000, now it's trickling down to you! the magic number for being rich is CHANGING!!!

Election Day 2008

Now, good old Barrack wants people to take the day off from their jobs and from school to help work in the election process. What! he actually is telling people to keep their kids out of school. If your child is not in school , then your district actually loses state money and costs you more in local school taxes. I thought people were hurting and needed money badly . Taking off work will cost them money unless they use sick days or vacation. If they use sick days is he encouraging them to lie? Why would voters need the day off anyway? Some states have already been voting for a month or at least a week or two. Do that many people still have a job? The law already says your employer has to give you time to vote, so unless someone plans to vote more than once I don't understand why one would need the entire day off. Barracks wrong about this too!

Obama Wrong for America !

Obama was wrong on Ayers, wrong on Rev. Wright, wrong on Rev Flager, wrong on Louis Farrakhan ,wrong on the troop surge in Iraq. What exactly has he been right about? Obama thinks we have 57 states, wrong again! Maybe if you count Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, France Sweden, Africa, etc.. Obama said in a speech in 2002 he didn't think the constitution guaranteed fair decisions based on race. How can he take the oath of office and swear to uphold the constitution if he thinks the constitution is wrong? He will ,along with Pelosi and Harry Reid change the constitution. I imagine that they will change it to ensure that even citizens of other countries have a right to vote in our elections. Heck, he'll probably even give a tax refund to citizens of other countries. Given that it took him 20 plus years to admit Wright was wrong and to say he condemned Ayers, will it take him the next 20 years to realize who Americas enemies are?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Palin Brings New Blood

Sarah Palin is the most outside Washington person in this campaign. She actually has no ties to Washington. If you want someone entirely different from Washington ,then Gov. Palin is your gal. She is actually the only one of the 4 candidates who is not a millionaire. She never received a penny from any of the failed banks,unlike Barrack who received $126,000 plus in just a few short years. Her families clothes will be donated to charity. Can Barracks $800,00 payment to Acorn be donated to charity? Her family gives more in charity than any of the other candidates. She still wears her 20 plus year, $35 dollar wedding ring, saying it's not what it's made of but what it represents; If you still want Barry/Biden to be your man, then you must be drinking some strange kind of kool-ade

Share the Wealth a Carl Marxist Idea

Obama wants to take Joe the plumbers money and dole it out as he wishes. Wait a minute, he also wants to get rid of the child tax credits and all the other new tax credits you get. Now, as the way I see it ,that would affect the middle class. The middle class would actually see a tax increase ,by losing all of the tax credits. There goes your wealth you just received from Joe. The latest word is now the Democrats want to get rid of the tax deductions for all 401k's for those of you who have a 401k. They also want a government take over of all the 401k's. That amounts to more government control. what happened to change? That's more of the same old Washington tax and spend as usual. So Obama is a tax and spend liberal like the others in Washington. Another Marxist plan is to put the fairness doctrine back into the media. They already are starting this, a T.V. station in Florida has been banned from any more Obama- Biden interviews. This was a decision by the Obama campaign after a Barbara West asked some questions that Biden didn't like. You're gonna get poorer real soon with Barrack. Don't say I didn't warn you ,but, if you are middle class or any class and have children or a 401'k under Obama's plan you get poorer. All this just to justify giving money to people who don't work at all. This is just more of the same old Washington tax and spend as usual. You see, if you do one day become successful and are lucky enough to own a business, then you too will only be able to make up to 250,000 before you are penalized. the inheritance tax will be raised to 45% under Barracks plan. If you own a farm or a very nice home or a business of any kind, then, if you die , your living relatives will give up 45% to the government. So go ahead, vote Obama ,play the fool ,and lets see who really gets fooled.

Monday, October 20, 2008


It wasn 't McCain's idea to give loans to people who couldn't afford a home. He tried to prevent it several times and was voted down by Barney Frank and Schumer. Now surely a person knows when they go in a store with $20.00 and want a new pair of shoes, the shoes are $50.00. you can"t buy those shoes. Oh, I guess some may charge the shoes, but the matter of the fact is, it's not McCain's fault. It is more the fault of the home buyer him or hers self with the help of acorn. I always thought democrats were a bunch of squirrels.

Obama and Fannie Mae

Question : Who took more money from Fannie Mae during the last 4 years than any other senator except for Robert Livingston?

Answer: Barrack Obama , the total is $126,000 & a little plus.

Obama and Powell

Colin Powell is a traitor for choosing to endorse Obama. Obama and Bill Ayers were pretty cozy for a time. Ayers bombed the world trade center and also the pentagon. There were soldiers and war generals in the pentagon. McCain and Powell both served in Vietnam at the same time and then McCain was captured. So who stabbed who in the back? Powell makes me sick to my stomach! Where are all the democrats McCain reached across the aisle to ,now?

Market Crash

If Obama steals this election and taxes are raised on people and business making over 250,000, the business are going to have to lay off workers . People will lose their jobs. When the businesses begin to get enormous tax bills ,their profit margin will drop, thus causing stocks to fall even further. Every ones 401k will finally be wiped out. We don't even have an income of 250,000 and I still think Obama's plan to tax these people and businesses is wrong. So now ,if Obama is elected, the American dream stops at 250,000. Let's hope most of you are unlike my family. Let's hope you've already made your fortune.

Obama and Illegals

Obama is planning to give drivers licenses to illegals. You can look this information up on .

Obama Lied

For anyone wondering which candidate to believe. Obama lied when he promised he would only take certain types of funds for the campaign. While McCain kept his word, Obama broke his promise, he is a greedy liar! When McCain asked him about it in the last debate Obama would not answer the question. obama will not drill for oil either. the low oil prices won't last forever . their only low because there is no new home building or very little. When asked about offshore drilling notice Obama chose his words carefully, he said we'll think about offshore drilling. Now, when your child ask to do something and you reply; I'll think about it you are most of the time going to decide your answer is no.

McCain Can be Trusted

McCain has proved he can be trusted. In the last debate he mentioned that he and Obama had made a promise to only accept certain types of funds for the campaigns. McCain kept his word while Obama broke his word. Because of this Obama now has a substantial sum of money from which to use against the McCain campaign. McCain has definitely proved he is a man of his word .Obama lies!!!

Election 2008/Ohio

What is the number of newly registered voters in Ohio?

Answer: 666,000 Whew, that's scary!

Spread the Wealth Around/Joe the Plumber

Not only does Barrack want to spread the wealth around , he probably agrees with Hillary that, "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." You can look up this quote on google; do an advanced search using the exact words. Pass this on, as it stands for the platform of the Democratic party.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama and Socialism

Lincoln's face is on the $5.00 bill. Washington's face is on the $1.00 bill. If Obama is elected his face will be on the food stamp!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


God spoke and they wouldn't listen. God spoke, yet they would not open their hearts.

Obama and Ayers

Obama uses the excuse that he was only 8 years old when Ayers bombed the buildings in New York and the pentagon, therefore any relationship is justified. If you had a child who was 8 when Osama' s group of evil terrorists bombed our towers and the pentagon, would you want your child, when he becomes an adult,to have dinner,or launch his political career in his home? Why does Obama always have an excuse for everything? Why did he help funnell hundreds of thousands of dollars from his campaign to groups to help acorn? (850,000) in fact. Acorn is now being investigated for voter fraud. Why does Obama always come out smelling like a rose? Why is Louis Farrakhan saying Obama is sent by the Messiah? What does that mean? Should Obama pay back the money he received from Fannie May and Freddie Mac? Why are so many Young voters and women infatuated with Obama? Is it because, like they say, when you go black ,you never go back? I remember when women and a certain ethnic group and young people were infatuated with Bill Clinton. We had 8 full years of pure he%%.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Islam Babies

Some Wal-mart stores are selling baby dolls that talk. These dolls say," Islam is the Light." It is unclear whether Wal-mart knew of this before the dolls were put on the shelves. I don't blame Wal-mart. The company that made the dolls is Mattell. Some people are returning the dolls. Islam is beginning to make it's way into this country. Someone or some group is trying to do this by brainwashing the children!!! Matell says that parents are "hearing things." I personally know someone who has heard these dolls and several people at Wal-mart also think that is what the dolls say. To Wal-mart's credit, they are pulling them off store shelves. Be careful for whom you vote and please make everyone aware of this. Tell someone in another state. The more people who are aware, the better.

Obama Said What?

Has anyone been paying attention to the racial remark that Obama keeps on making? I keep hearing him say the word hoodwink in his stump speeches . The kkk were often referred to as men in hoods.

Obamas College Transcripts

Why won't Obama release his college transcripts? Could it be that they show his birthplace as Kenya. Maybe that is how he paid for college, by using a special financing program or grant that is given for foreign born students? I also wonder who his real father is? So far Obama hasn't produced a birth certificate.Why not? He can't even get F.B.I. clearance. I know for a fact that if you apply to even your local convenience store you have to have a birth certificate. Should Obama be any different? After all he is running for the highest office in the land. He would probably cry racism if he was ordered to produce a certificate. The American people should insist he provide one and that it be made a matter of record. Yet noone will challenge him on anything.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Media Double Talk

Why is it that the media says that the voters don't want to hear negative attacks on the candidates? You mainly hear this on CNN, MSNBC, amd FOX. Yet at the same time the same media people who call themselves journalist, talk very negative about Sarah Palin and make fun of her and her family. That is being negative,if I must say. The media is trying to stifle the Republicans and conservatives.

Neil Kashkari

Paulson chose Neil Kashkari to dole out the money to the banks and groups getting the bailout package. This name says it all. I remember when stores wanted to get fast cash. They had cash & carry sales or sometimes they were called have cash will carry.

Acorn Voters Arrested?

It is possible with Acorn being investigated by the F.B.I. that many of the people who registered through Acorn will be arrested when they vote. It is a felony to commit forgery. Registering more than once , voting more than once, signing a false name ,or registering as someone else is committing fraud. Some of these people that Acorn registered are claiming that they have been harassed by Acorn to register many times. Acorn voters should be extremely careful not to register or vote more than once. Now there is word the starting line-up for the Dallas Cowboys is involved and registered to vote in Las Vegas and also Missouri. On election day the voter police will be at the polls to find these fraudulent voters. Be sure you take I.D If you vote to ensure you are above the law.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Obama and Islam

Soon, there will be news from a man by the last name of Corsey? who claims he has the proof that Obama helped get the president of Kenya , a murderer by the name of Odinga , get elected. He has e-mails and other forms of proof that connects Obama to him. The president of Kenya is trying to enforce Sharia Law. Will Obama do the same here if elected ? You can bet he will try. Now, try and recall all of the famous black people, if you will ,who have converted to Islam, then maybe you will understand why the black community is so hot on Obama. Are you willing to turn this country over to the leader of Kenya? Granted, ther are some black Republicans. Not all are so liberal as he. Now, there is word coming from the wires that Obama held a dual citizenship with Kenya and the U S. . So, until sometime in the 80's he was also a citizen of Kenya.It may have expired or not , but does he hold Kenyan beliefs? Has he lied about this in the past? Has he been honest and forth coming with the American people? This is absolutely true because it is on the Obama website. His campaign has decided to put this info. out there. This is troubling and should worry all voters very much.

Obama Is

Obama says he would cut the capital gains tax for small business owners. Maybe you don't know, but small business owners don't pay capital gains tax. They pay income tax. Either Barrack is ignorant and uninformed or he is a liar.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Democrats to Blame

If you are a democrat, "You" electd Bill Clinton back when, because, he felt your pain! Then, stupid people reelected him. Two years ago you put the Democrats in control of congress and you kept on reelecting some of the same old democrats year after year. With the market crash and bank FIX, "Your chickens have finally come home to roost." I can only hope old Bill feelz your pain now! LOL

Monday, October 6, 2008

Election 2008

If you live in one of the battleground states I want to personally give you the credit you deserve. You are about to turn my country over to an unknown man(Barrack). You at least owe it to future generations of " yours " to do some research first. You should look up William Ayers. Obama launched his senate campaign at Ayers home. Ayers bombed the pentagon and the world trade center,saying only a few years ago he wished he had done more damage. Also, check out a black communist by the last name of Frank Marshall Ford, Obama also has ties to him. Before you do anything rash, check out the truth about Dick Schumer,Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Franklin Raines, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi. and the ungodly amounts of money Obama has received from this bank during his little time in the senate. This bunch of thugs threatened banks with lawsuits if they did not make loans to risky borrowers. Those were called NINJA loans and Barracks group Acorn helped get them. Barrack was the lawyer for Acorn who petitioned for Acorn to get government funds. Now, Barney Frank managed to get 5oo,ooo.00 allotted from the bailout to groups that support Acorn. NINJA stands for No Income, No Job, No Assets. For the record, Barney Frank had an affair with an employee of Fannie Mae. His firm is getting 12,000.00 a month from these funds while your 401k is being drained!!! "These" Democrats are in charge of the congress. The Republicans are not the party in power. These democrats should be sent to prison. Remember only a little while back when Enron Execs. were sent to prison. Don't forget what all the congress did to Marhta Stewart! They tried to look tough all the while wasting and stealing your money. These wee mainly Dem. held committees. Why should this bunch of Democrats be exempt from prosecution? Maybe your too stupid to at least look this info. up. Maybe your smart and will pass this info. on. The Democrats control congress! O'bama is the democratic party nominee. Now, Acorn offices are being raided by the F.B.I. for voter fraud in many states. Our citizens now and in the future can personally look in the history books to see what states voted to turn their country over to a man of bad ilk!

Dow Jones

Dow Jones ,NO, it's Down Jones! I heard someone give this command to their dog.

Credit Crunch

Credit Crunch, that sounds like what I had for breakfast this morning!!

Barrack O'Bama/Acorn A Squirrells Best Food

If you haven't watched it, look it up on the internet on Fox news. You can see all of Barracks ties to terrosist William Ayers,also,Rev.Wright the crazy preachers that Barrack attended the church,and of his connection to the group acorn. Acorn, isn't that something a squirrel eats? I heard someone say that Barracks preachers should be Sasquatch bait. The preachers sounded that fanaticaland are white haters.

Barrack O'Bama

Sometimes I watch as Barrack is greeting the lines of people at his campaign rallies and sometimes there is a handshake and then if you watch closely, you also see a few knuckle bumps.


Funny thing, his name," O'Bama, "sounds like it is something you put with peanut butter and bread.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

"Change Happens"

The voters of PA, Mich., IL., VA., OH. and etc. are too stupid and too many are cowards to vote for anyone other than Obama. The republicans have not been the party in power for the last two years. The states with the highest unemployment, and home foreclosures, and businesses shutting down , are those where most of the elected officials are democrats. Yes, they usually have dem. govs., congressmen and senators. Check it out. Oh , CA. has the Swartz but he is not a true republican. Voters in these states don't really want change or they would throw these poeple out of office. Obama may have been a comm. organizer but what did he do if anything about unemployment or forclosures in the state of IL? Obama and Clinton thought of this bailout. It has caused more greenhouse effects than anything else put together. The government passed this bailout like men and teenage boys passing gas!! I have now cut off all donatiions of mine to charities because of the passing of the bailout. Our families donations are now only in taxes. If it gets to taxing for us to work then we will quit and our taxes will be cut off. We, will reap some of the freebies all of the underclass are going to get. I only hope it gets worse for you living in these states. You better cling to your guns and religion ,because if Obama really is Muslim Islasmic, then he will take your guns and your religion!

Barrack Obama/

"Change Happens!!," Yes "Change Happens," and so does you know what!!!

850 Billion Bailout

The bailout was Bill Clinton's idea to ruin McCain and the republican party! That is what he and Obama discussed over lunch in New York City 3 weeks ago!! I'v heard that If Clinton did this"get Paulson to ask for the money now, " then O"bama would pick Hillary as a supreme court justice. That is the week O "Clinton began campaigning for Barrack Hussein.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Election 2008

One couldn't expect McCain to win in most of the states like Mich.,PA., IL. etc.where the population is mostly black. That is because most black are more prejudiced than white people! Most black people are not big enough to vote for a white person for president. Most black people just want to vote for a black person thinking they are sticking it to whites. They think they "deserve" a black man for president. Most white people especially youth voters voting for Obama are doing so because they think it will show people what a good person they are . OOH, I voted for a black man, see, I'm not prejudiced. I just hope all of the "youth" do go out and vote , because it will show they are responsible adults, and that is what all of the older voters want. Older voters want all "youth" to take their voting duty seriously. Older voters can't stand a "youth" who sleeps in and parties and ignores voting and tries to be a cool person especially on election day. Older voters get really agitated when "youth" voters are do nothing and stay home. So don't worry that your friends will laugh at you ,and think you are not cool for getting involved. If you are one of those "youth" voters, just vote .

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This bailout would be a step toward socialism. Groups like ACORN or LaRazza should not be allowed to benefit at all!!! Barrack had quite a bit to do with Acorn. You can tell that most of the media are for a bailout that is excessive. Everyone should remember that things done in haste often make waste, and don't forget to grab your O.S. bars and hang on!