Monday, October 6, 2008

Election 2008

If you live in one of the battleground states I want to personally give you the credit you deserve. You are about to turn my country over to an unknown man(Barrack). You at least owe it to future generations of " yours " to do some research first. You should look up William Ayers. Obama launched his senate campaign at Ayers home. Ayers bombed the pentagon and the world trade center,saying only a few years ago he wished he had done more damage. Also, check out a black communist by the last name of Frank Marshall Ford, Obama also has ties to him. Before you do anything rash, check out the truth about Dick Schumer,Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Franklin Raines, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi. and the ungodly amounts of money Obama has received from this bank during his little time in the senate. This bunch of thugs threatened banks with lawsuits if they did not make loans to risky borrowers. Those were called NINJA loans and Barracks group Acorn helped get them. Barrack was the lawyer for Acorn who petitioned for Acorn to get government funds. Now, Barney Frank managed to get 5oo,ooo.00 allotted from the bailout to groups that support Acorn. NINJA stands for No Income, No Job, No Assets. For the record, Barney Frank had an affair with an employee of Fannie Mae. His firm is getting 12,000.00 a month from these funds while your 401k is being drained!!! "These" Democrats are in charge of the congress. The Republicans are not the party in power. These democrats should be sent to prison. Remember only a little while back when Enron Execs. were sent to prison. Don't forget what all the congress did to Marhta Stewart! They tried to look tough all the while wasting and stealing your money. These wee mainly Dem. held committees. Why should this bunch of Democrats be exempt from prosecution? Maybe your too stupid to at least look this info. up. Maybe your smart and will pass this info. on. The Democrats control congress! O'bama is the democratic party nominee. Now, Acorn offices are being raided by the F.B.I. for voter fraud in many states. Our citizens now and in the future can personally look in the history books to see what states voted to turn their country over to a man of bad ilk!

Dow Jones

Dow Jones ,NO, it's Down Jones! I heard someone give this command to their dog.

Credit Crunch

Credit Crunch, that sounds like what I had for breakfast this morning!!

Barrack O'Bama/Acorn A Squirrells Best Food

If you haven't watched it, look it up on the internet on Fox news. You can see all of Barracks ties to terrosist William Ayers,also,Rev.Wright the crazy preachers that Barrack attended the church,and of his connection to the group acorn. Acorn, isn't that something a squirrel eats? I heard someone say that Barracks preachers should be Sasquatch bait. The preachers sounded that fanaticaland are white haters.

Barrack O'Bama

Sometimes I watch as Barrack is greeting the lines of people at his campaign rallies and sometimes there is a handshake and then if you watch closely, you also see a few knuckle bumps.


Funny thing, his name," O'Bama, "sounds like it is something you put with peanut butter and bread.