Friday, July 11, 2008


With gas prices soaring it could only help to do off shore drilling or drilling in ANWAR. I finally see why the LIBS. and DEMS. don't want the same. Now imagine if Israel or the U.S. are forced to strike Iran's nuclear facilities. We would probably have a shortage of oil and gasoline.,but if we were doing the drilling the Republicans wanted, we could have enough to get us through. With a shortage of fuel our men in the military could also fall short of supplies, making it hard to protect us and our allies. So the hate and stubbornness of the left is going to hurt us in the long run. I believe that is exactly what they want. A failed military and a powerless nation would then be dependent on the gov. entirely!! Pretty scary Huh?!!! Get behind the Republicans and demand that congress and the senate pass offshore drilling, before your children and grandchildren have to be the ones to suffer. The Dems. don't deserve to be elected. Just remember when you are walking everywhere our elected officials will still have enough fuel for their fancy planes, limos. and homes. What will they care if you die of heat exhaustion or freeze in the winter? Just remember, what good will it do to conserve now, if we don't even have a nation to call home in the future ? Drill now to protect our future!!!