Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Democrats Keeping Gasoline Prices High

The liberal lobbiests are hard at work helping the Dems. keep the price of fuel high. I guess no one out there cares because there are more liberal environmental lobbiests than other lobbiests.. Nancy Pelosi the Dem. speaker of the house won't allow drilling offshore to even come to a vote. I guess she don't care if all the auto workers and others being laid off have a job or not. She will still have a job along with a limo., body guards, and a jet to fly on. She probably has her own private getaway house . All paid for at taxpayer expense. Now for those of you who are stupid, don't believe anything T. Boone Pickens says. He is the J.R. Ewing of Texas!!!. Anything he does is solely for his benefit.He controls a HUUUGE part of the oil industry along with water rights and now he wants to get his greedy hands on wind energy. I'm SICK of the DEMS. in control of congress and I'm SICK of the PEOPLE who VOTE for THEM. STUPID PEOPLE should NOT be allowed to vote, period!!!!