Monday, January 28, 2008

Democrats Nominate McCain

Where are all of Hillary's supporters now that she needs them? Where are all of Bill's supporters? They are busy supporting Obama. So much for loyalty! It seems that every day there's news of another Democrat endorsing Obama. The Democrats seem to think that they can nominate two candidates. At least that's what it sounds like when you hear them on all the national networks. They seem to be working harder to get John McCain nominated then they are Hillary! In the last debate the Democrat candidates were sounding more like they were trying harder to get John McCain nominated than themselves. Now, for all the Republicans still undecided and for those already decided on McCain what does it say? It should tell you something when the Democrats for Hillary are working harder trying to get McCain nominated than trying to get Hillary nominated! They want John McCain to be the Republican nominee, not because they think he is the stronger candidate,but because they know he will support their liberal ideas if he were to become President. Several times in recent years he sided with liberal Democrats such as Fiengold, Kennedy,and Lieberman to name a few. If your still undecided ,how about voting for Mitt Romney or Rudy Guillani and help defeat the liberals1

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