Thursday, March 13, 2008

Democrats Imploding

It really is funny to see the Democrats going to hell in a hand basket. You take Elliot Spitzer. He made a mockery out of his office. Now, a new Gov. of New York and Patterson lied about passing the bar exam. This is why people from New York are made fun of. Then there's Barrack Hussein Obama . He just keeps on crying race, race, race! What a whine bag! Do you really want such a sensitive person for President? Enough of the crying already! What's he really going to do, sic Oprah on us? Now we have to go through listening to the whole Florida thing again. Last two elections the people in Florida didn't know how to vote. This time the Democrat leaders screwed things up. I really wouldn't want to be part of such a stupid party. I noticed when I went to vote that most of the people voting Democrat looked mental , retarded or just plain stupid. even most of the English speaking people couldn't talk plain. They had some sort of a speech impediment. I'll just wait and see what happens next. I really am sick of all their stupidities. It's not enough that they want to hand the country over to illegals and to terrorists. So they don't have a brain either, what's new!

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