Thursday, November 27, 2008

Black Friday Bargains!!!

You may not find any bargains on this site, but so what. It's all about change. The content of this post was changed to bring you change. Does this tick you off ? This one doesn't care!!! ObUma!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Obama and the American Dream

The song "American Pie" has taken on a whole new meaning. Bye, Bye Miss American Pie ,Drove My Chevy to the Levy but the Levy was Dry. Not so, do a search for American Pie song. Click on the link . Read the interpretation on the page that comes up. Eerie, very eerie. Coincidence you say, maybe, but maybe it actually foretold our future!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Automakers Want Money

Auto makers want to screw the taxpayers to save their own butts. Why should the taxpayers have to bail them out. Who gives a rats ass if their employees or retirees lose their pensions. what about all the people having funds in the market? Are all of them going to get bailed out? What about all the other people with no health insurance. Do they get a bailout? Everyone is full of crap, enough of it already! Auto workers don't need to make $60.-$70. an hour. Let them work like everyone else for $25-$30 an hour. What makes auto workers better than anyone else? The workers in Detroit or these other cities aren't worth the salt they're made of. No one cares about you .You screwed America and helped to give us Obama, so, GO SUCK AN EGG!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Judge Rejects Cair Lawsuit Against Savage

A district judge in CA's norhtern district has ruled against Cair and in favor of DR. Michael Savage. Cair attempted to extract funds from Savage to pay for court cost and attorneys fees. The judge ruled in favor of Savage. Cair stands for the Center for American and Islamic Relatons. The entire story can be found on Michael .

Friday, November 14, 2008

California Fires

Read my post "Destroying America ." I pointed out that God was angry with America. The voters of CA voted to pass prop. 8. There are many radical gays who are so upset they're rioting and marching in the streets. They are sick! They are trying to put people out of business. They are attacking the Mormon Church. They are attacking anyone and anything which gave contributions to support prop. 8. You should know that if the gays keep on dredging up this issue with harrassment against people who supported Prop. 8 ,they could be charged with harrassment charges or vandalism. Probab;y harrassment being the more serious to charge them with. What is happening just in the last few days? CA is on fire again. A college has burned, homes have burned. What does it take for the radicals to leave God fearing people alone! Quit shoving your way of life down everyones throats. People are sick of it already, and God is mad. God sees the truth and waits. What is everyone else waiting for?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Democrats Want Totalitarity!

The word is already out, Mr. Obama is already putting people in place and plans are being made as you read this, to put into effect the fairness doctrine. This is a plan to kill talk radio! What happened to freedom of speech? Apparently freedom of speech only applies to left wing papers or left wing T.V. stations. The Demoncats don't want talk radio, because,they don't want you to know what is going on. Hope you don't think MSNBC , CNN or FOX is going to tell you the truth about the state of our government. What about all the good, talk radio does? Many of the conservative radio hosts raise money for troops in the military. Many of the host give to many charitable organizations. They do a lot of good for the country, besides giving information and even sometimes entertainment. There have been several instances when the radio hosts have even offered and went as far as to call and invite even liberals and demoncats on their show. Savage and Limbaugh and a hosts of others invited both McCain and Obama on their shows . McCain went on only a few. Don't tell me the demoncats didn't get their chance! They won the election, what more do they want? The talk now, is that Obama is going to nationalize the police force. HMM??? Marshall Law??? The government is buying into the banks and now want to buy into the auto makers. They want to strengthen the no child left behind act ,which would give more control over the local schools to the Federal government. The black community now wants reparations. Hey, a lot of people were wronged in years past and aren't whining. What about black on white crime ? Big black men mugging little old ladies for social security money, Remember that one, just this year? The liberals are encroaching more and more on our rights every day. Someone is going to have to stop them. Does anyone have a clue as to what people can do? Now,Obama is thinking of giving several millions in U.S. tax dollars to pay for abortions for people in other countries. or overseas abortions. The U.S. doesn't have the money! I've had enough of Obama already! How about YOU.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dead or Alive?

Sometimes, things people on the left have said don't really seem to matter until you listen to what they actually have said. so here is a new quip,"Santa lives, Obama gives, and God is dead." That is how some on the far left actually seem to believe. Take my advice, you had better cling to your guns, your religion, AND your CHILDREN! The left will try and influence them in every way possible. The left perverts everything they touch. Next time you shop at Wal-Mart, by some cling wrap. Oh, they're working on destroying Wal-Mart too.

Nation of Doom!

Once obama is in office, thanks to all the liberals and the liberal states obama carried, we begin on the path to doom. We will become a nation of death. Liberals and democrats will stifle everything conservative. There is already talk that many in the military will not re-enlist. many will resign. There is not much anyone can do because the democrats will have so mush power in the congress and the senate. Thanks to Hollywood idiots like oprah winfrey, geeorge soros, ,the women on the view, there are to many to mention. We also have the liberal media to thank. The America as you and your family have known is going to hell in a hand basket. Once obama, the libs, and the democrats get control, it will take an entire generation to undo. You can kiss your sweet life good-bye.

obama Brings Hope?

There are some who are saying that we are a nation of hope, now that obama has been elected. One might agree with this. We can Hope that obama won't raise our taxes. We can Hope obama won't give more power to unions. We can Hope obama won't put higher taxes on guns and ammo. We can Hope obama won't ban guns and ammo altogether. We can hope obama won't give legal status to illegal aliens. We can Hope obama won't appoint liberals to the supreme court. We can Hope obama won't kill the unborn by overturning Pres. Bush's ban on certain types of abortions. We can Hope obama won't overturn bans on stem cell research. We can Hope obama will work for offshore drilling .We can Hope obama won't tax 401k's, at least what's left of them. We can Hope obama won't give terrorists more protections and rights. We can Hope obama won't destroy our military. We can Hope obama will make the right choices for the safety of our country. We can Hope obama won't rewrite our constitution. We can Hope obama won't nationalize our local and state police forces. We can Hope obama won't destroy our health care industry altogether. We can Hope obama won't put in the fairness doctrine and take away freedom of speech. We can Hope obama won't hand us socialism or Marxism. We can Hope obama won't declare himself a dictator. We can Hope obama only gets one term. We can Hope the liberals and democrats don't get more control. Yes, you can say, we have become a nation of Hope.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama Will Destroy Constitution

obama will destroy the constitution of the U.S. He wants to overturn 200+ executive orders of Pres. Bush .some of which are stem cell research, global Warming issues, abortions rights,etc. He and biden wold like to make most ammo. They want to take away your right to bear arms or your right, if you qualify, to conceal and carry. They want to end conservative talk radio. They equate it with pornography. What idiots. They want to tell you want temp. to set your home thermo athwat kind of light bulbs to use. They want to tell you what foods to eat,or not eat. I blame the same union states that were in the civil war. I have no respect for anyone who would vote fo a man who is capable of destroying what our soldiers are fighting and working for. When and who will speak up? I don't think we the people are going to. I guess eveyone is going to stand by and let this happen.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sarah Palin

During the presidential campaign we were constantly told by the hate mongering media and the stupid pollsters that foreign policy didn't matter. We were told the economy was the only thing that mattered since the created financial crisis. Now that the election is over and their precious baby obama prevailed, the same idiots are criticising Gov. Palin. Now we are told that foreign policy and knowledge and experience does matter. They want us to believe she didn't know certain things. They are trying to make her look stupid. For those of you who don't know, obama made a statement during the campaign when he was talking about our country and other countries and said there are 57 states in the United States! What kind of a leader can one make, when they don't even know how many states are in the United States? I really wish their precious baby would make a trip to Australia. Maybe, just maybe, a dingo will eat their baby.

obama Still a Fraud

obama is a fraud and should present his real birth certificate . The media and the liberals in this country didn't accept Bush's Presidency,because the supreme court declared him a winner. That is totally different from not accepting obama as the p&&&&&&&&. Pres. Bush was totally candid about his background and his birthplace was never in question. Those who say it's the same thing, need to realize there IS a difference. Quit being bigoted . You don't win races by praising your opponent. Start acting like conservatives. No wonder the GOP went down in defeat. Some of you talk out of both sides of your mouth at once. You constantly try to be gracious. Being gracious never won a race. We don't need you in the GOP. If you want to talk nice, step across the aisle sit down and stay there!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama Has the Code

I don't like it at all that obama will have the nuclear code . He will be in charge of protecting this country. I have a bad feeling about it. He has been to several dinners and partys with Ayers. He also was at a dinner with a pro Palestinian. He has connections to black panther groups ,not to mention several other hate mongering people and groups. He needs to change his group of buddies yesterday. I think somehow Ayers is connected to both the Kennedy assassinations and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. There is record of a visit by Ayers to Cuba to meet with Castro just shortly before J.F.K.s assassination. Someone check this out. What else will we learn? Ignorance is not bliss.

Media Matters

The media's job is to "REPORT" the news, however, the media has taken it upon themselves to be judge, jury, and executioner. They constantly have to give us their opinion. I know the game, suggest something to the public long enough and eventually they will begin to believe it. It's called the power of persuasion or suggestion. Like saying something to a small child and he finally believes it's true. The media has a lot of soul searching to do. Gov. Palin and Sen. McCain were put through the wringer. The media can't get over losing the last 2 elections. I for one won't let them forget their loses. I won't let them forget the very rude way they treated Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin. The media completely ignored obama's transgressions while criticizing McCain for his choice of V.P.. (And we are told we have open and free elections, ha!)The constant harping on Gov. Palin for the way she pronounced her words or the clothes purchased for her family( they were returned or given to charity). They didn't like it because she was a female V.P. candidate with a family. She can't do" both "was the words written across their faces. Let's see, 0bama made phone calls to keep in touch with senate business during the bailout votes. He can double task, they screamed. So a woman can't double task as well? It is a proven fact that men can only hear 1 conversation at a time, because, they only think with 1 side of their brain at a time. A woman ,however ,uses both sides to think with. This is why a woman can hear what you say, while looking at or doing something else. Most of the media are liberal lawyers and they seem to like putting Republicans through the 3rd degree. It was a constant, I got ya game. The media acted like spoiled ,jealous, mean school children. MSNBC was the worst. There was Katie Courac who tied for first. Then CNN and Fox News ,heck they were all tied for first . I sometimes wanted to slap them down. The View were just as nasty! Orpah the whale refused to let Gov. Palin go on her show. Why Orpha, do you think she might have gained some popularity among female voters? Couldn't let that happen. Might show she is smarter than your precious Messiah obama. At one time the media was there to protect our civil rights. Not so anymore with the hush game being played by the media. It looks like the media have turned to communism! Anyone who would not speak out about obama before the election, but now will , is no better than the cold war communist. A whole voting block across the nation has been disenfranchised. The media are all a bunch of creeps. I hope you never sleep and your precious obama turns out to show himself for the ignorant fraud he really is. I somehow hope that if there is a God and there is justice, that you will eventually feel Gods anger. I give you my pinky finger.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


obama is a fraud. I will never address him by anything other than 0bama, or barry,or b.o.. I will never comply with his beliefs or ideology. I will never be swayed. I am praying for the Lord Almighty to jolt the people out of their drunken stupor even if the Lord almighty has to strike this country with a vengeance. Anyone who could sit in a church for 20+ years and not leave the church until this country was made aware of his preacher and hate filled remarks, has bad judgement. For the first time in my adult life I am ashamed of my country! Maybe he'll get gut rot ,whatever that is. It sounds good. One thing is for certain when he does leave office,oh, I take that back, IF he does leave office,the white house will have to be fumigated. I'm sick of the white people who voted for him because they thought it would "cleanse" their wrongs against black people. But, just as a parent is not responsible for what an adult child does, the white man is no more responsible for what their grandparents did. 0bama says he is not responsible for ayers and for what wright said, yet we are told by the media and B.O.we are responsible for our grandparents or parents. so barry go put your head up your a%%. barry came from nothing and nothing from nothing leaves nothing.


O what? O blah, blah ,blah, blah ,blah!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama and the Fairnewss Doctrine

If Barry gets elected you can expect to see the fairness doctrine enacted as soon as the liberals and the demoncats can. Charles Schumer was asked about this on Fox news today. His comment is you don't want pornography on T.V. or talk radio. Talk radio are privately owned stations. Good ole boy Schumer said you can't legislate no pornography but not have fairness in talk radio, you can't have it both ways. I guess he equals talk radio to pornography. This shows the pure evilness of the demoncats and liberals, or the total insanity whichever applies. I hope their political careers go down in flames. Maybe then they could get permanent spots on Saturday night live.

Black Panthers =Terror at Polls

We now have reports of black panthers standing at the polls with clubs or nightsticks . They are trying to intimidate voters who may show up for McCain. What in the h%%% is happening. I thought the black community wanted to move forward. Yet, we always have these type of groups are trying to take us backward. i guess that is the only way their candidate can win. You had better be prepared ,because ,if Barry gets elected and the American people are disarmed these type of problems will run rampid. The new black panthers will be some of the "Civilian police force "Barry talks about. It is coming to a community near YOU! We are now seeing the likes of third world politics such as in Venezuela.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Civillian Police Force &Concentratiom Camps Built

Can anyone tell me what exactly a civilian police force is? I can't find anyone who knows. This is what Obama wants. He said as much. He said he wants one equal to the military. Where will these forces come from? I have been wondering about this for months and after listening to Michael savage tonight he is thinking the same thing. If obama is elected then this is scary! The military carry guns and weapoms. Will the civilian force? Will they watch over you like in some of the communists powers back in the early 20th century? Maybe this is what the concentration camps are being built for on the east coast. Yes it's true, the government hasn't told anyone. I have known for months about the building of the concentration camps.You should check out Michael Savage's web site before voting and also keep in mind about the camps. Will you be a statistic who is forced into submission or will you spread the word and fight?

Obama Not a Legal Citizen?

Could it be Obama does not qualify to be the president? Well there is a lot to support this such as the # at the right hand top of his so called certificate is blacked out. Why would you post your certificate on the web only to black out the number. Then there's a picture on the web which shows the people of Kenya doing a prayer dance so their "Native son" will be elected. "Native son," I thought he was born in Hawaii. Why doesn't some agency in the government force him to show us the original certificate.? Is the democratic party hiding something? Is this election on the up and up? One would have to question this.

Pennsylvannia Clings to its Guns

You are criticised by Murtha, so you will become ashamed of your heritage. You will become ashamed of your beliefs. Once ashamed you are submissive, you are p%%%% whipped. Once bitten twice shy. Then the government is able to easily persuade you into their beliefs. It has already happened and it is because of so many drugs ,both legal and illegal like anti anxiety drugs especially meant to keep people from having mood swings. Also some people are gullible and believe anything the media or politician tells them. You're not able to think for yourself because you don't care. There are some people who will not go down willingly and will be prepared for what will come. So beware, those who have not voted yet, you may not be able to put food on your table, maybe you will have to eat crow.

Living in Poverty

If the left win out in this election you can expect your quality of life to deteriorate unless your on the bottom of the totem pole. Your 401k's will be taxed. I believe this means no more pretax contributions. There goes anything you have left in the 402k. Could this be a plan to cause the baby boomers to have to work longer, so the government doesn't have to pay social security or not as much social security? What reason is there for anyone to start a business if your family will have to give away 50%or more to the government when you die? Why would anyone put any blood sweat or tears into a life of work at a business. Your family would no longer be able to keep a business in the family. Sounds like communism to me. You work all your life and then the government gets their share plus a share for all the other people they think it should go to. Then there will be a green tax. Then there will be a world poverty tax. I guess this is so we can help the people in third world countries who hate us. Next the government is talking about a wage security tax, one you would pay with each paycheck to "insure your salary if you change jobs and are paid less." Then the government wants union votes to no longer to be private, this would hurt you whichever side of the union your on. They are talking about forcing a worker to pay union dues even if they did not vote to join the union. So one can see the cities of this country falling into poverty and becoming like the slums of Chicago, or New York City,Detroit, Pittsburgh or any other city with neighborhoods like these. We know that the Hollyloon elites won't be affected because they hide their money in Swiss banks and so do a lot of the other ultra liberals. These creeps will take everything you have and your family will be left destitute. That is the plan, then you will be dependent on the government the rest of your life. The plan is to make you become submissive.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama Says He Will Bankrupt the Coal Industry!

If you haven't heard, there is an audio of Obama ,which can be heard on Matt Drudge in which Obama proclaims he wants to bankrupt the coal industry! He wants to bankrupt the industry because he is so green extreme. He admitted that energy prices will skyrocket under his own plan! There goes the rest of the auto industry. You can also find the story on Fox News. Obama doesn 't like the state of Pennsylvania very much .Poor people up there are beginning to be the laughing stalk of the nation. Good bye Pennsylvania! Good bye Ohio! Good bye Virginia! Good bye West Virginia.! Good bye Utah! Good bye Washington. There goes your jobs! You'll be standing in line at the soup kitchen. Don't say you weren't warned.

L.A.Times Blocks Video of Obama & Khalidi

People who can, should be mad as h%%% and converging in front of the L.a. Times demanding this video be released. Does not anyone in L.A. care enough ? Are you all "whipped?"

Obama Video

Video ,video , I still want to see the video the L.A. Times is hiding! Hello ,is anyone listening??? Are there any real journalists anymore? What in h%%% is going on? Where in Gods name did this nightmare come from? Can we believe anything this creature of a man says ,except that he will fundamentally change America forever and he doesn't like the constitution? Say it isn't so!!!

Taking Your Money and Guns

I saw this posted on the internet. It read: I'll keep my guns, my freedom and my money, and you can have the change.

Obama and Osama

Do you know the difference between Obama and Osama ? The BS

Obama's Aunt is an Illegal

Now we find out Obama's aunt is an illegal and is poor and lives in public housing. What happened? Recall if you will the question and answer session with the preacher in California. Obama said " I am my brothers keeper." Just another lie which is more concerning to me than his aunt being here illegally. Charity begins at home and that means it should start with his auntand be given by him, not your home or my home! He thinks the government should take your money and give it to people He needs to look in the mirror. He must be afraid of what he would see. Now I think sharing and taking are 2 different things. His story of sharing the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and his toys is not what he plans for you. I doubt his teacher divided up his sandwich .People should decide how much of their money goes to charity, not have government take it for you! Enough of him already!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Obama Kicks Reporters Off Plane

Friday morning Obama and his staff kicked the reporters from the Dallas Morning News, the New York Post & the Washington Times off his plane. Well, of course, the papers actually endorsed McCain. What can you expect out of a communist or a Marxist? This is what you can expect from Obama if he is elected. You will lose your fundamental right to speak out! This is an outrage! You'll have no rights if you don't say something good about him. Remember Saddam Hussein? His people couldn't speak out. It used to be that way in Russia also. I have thought of something very eerie Obama-Biden kind of reminds me of Osama Ben Laden. The 2 names are similar Osama and Obama , the other similarities are Ben Laden and Biden .