Monday, November 3, 2008

Civillian Police Force &Concentratiom Camps Built

Can anyone tell me what exactly a civilian police force is? I can't find anyone who knows. This is what Obama wants. He said as much. He said he wants one equal to the military. Where will these forces come from? I have been wondering about this for months and after listening to Michael savage tonight he is thinking the same thing. If obama is elected then this is scary! The military carry guns and weapoms. Will the civilian force? Will they watch over you like in some of the communists powers back in the early 20th century? Maybe this is what the concentration camps are being built for on the east coast. Yes it's true, the government hasn't told anyone. I have known for months about the building of the concentration camps.You should check out Michael Savage's web site before voting and also keep in mind about the camps. Will you be a statistic who is forced into submission or will you spread the word and fight?

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